Ocean Wave Quilters

25.00 USD/Year membership fee
303 Kimsham Street, Sitka, Alaska, 99835
+1 (907) 738-2290



Ocean Wave Quilters guild meets 6:30 p.m. the 1st Tuesday of the month September through June at United Methodist Church, 303 Kimsham. All are invited for inspiration, friendship, creativity and support, members or not. A short business meeting is followed by show and tell, refreshments, activities and programs. Classes, charity quilt projects, two annual quilt shows and a scholarship auction of small quilts and related items are among other activities. A free open sewing session is offered 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. the first Saturday following the monthly meeting at United Methodist Church. Dues are $25 per year. For more information or to receive the newsletter, contact President Megan Pasternak at 907-738-2290 or sitkaoceanwavequilters@gmail.com


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Upcoming Events


Monthly meeting

Tuesday, April 1, 2025 11:30 AM - 9 PM
Every Month on First Tuesday
United Methodist Church
303 Kimsham Street, Sitka, Alaska, 99835
Ocean Wave Quilt Guild has a short business meeting and special events throughout the year as well as a lively show and tell of quilter'...

Scholarship Auction

Tuesday, March 3, 2026 4:30 PM - 9 PM
Every Year on the First Tuesday of March
Harrigan Centennial Hall
330 Harbor Drive, Sitka, Alaska, 99835
Outcry and silent auction of quilting-related item. Money goes to scholarships for two Sitka,, Mt. Edgecumbe and/or Pacific High seniors ...