Calico Quilters

10.00 USD/Year membership fee
20 Mill Street, Yarmouth, Maine, 04096
+1 (207) 807-6888



We welcome you to visit Calico Quilters. Facebook group access is for members only. We meet on the first and third Mondays of each month (except September, November and December holiday times) in the downstairs community room at 20 Mill Street, Yarmouth, Maine. Sit and Sew and Workshops are on the last Saturday of the month at the fire station in Cumberland, Maine.


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Upcoming Events


Monthly Meeting

Monday, April 7, 2025 7 PM - 9 PM
Every Month on First Monday
North Yarmouth Congregational Church UCC
3 Gray Road, North Yarmouth, Maine, 04097
Come join us at our monthly meeting.